I've put my time in. Here's a brief history of my filmmaking journey over the last decade.
it all started with this video. at 14 years old I picked up a camera and made my first video. made in windows movie maker and on my parents mini Dvd camera. Brace yourself. 
2 years and around 50 mediocre videos later. 
My first gig in the action sports industry as a grouse park blogger. a major stepping stone to my career.
a friend playing for simon fraser university soccer asked me to come out and film a video for fun. This is what I made. a few months later i got a phone call from the coach where I was hired for a trip with the team to costa rica. Which was my first international gig.
Vancouver film school scholarship entry & winner
Camp of champions 2013:  making videos for athletes that i looked up to was a dream job. Here's an edit with torstein horgmo and the shred bots crew.
Day in the life. All footage shot on December 8th 2013.
sid slotegraaf rides coast gravity park. this is still one of my favourite edits i've made. working with sid was a pleasure. 
This is my intersection entry. intersection is an annual film competition that takes place in whistler, bc with over 2,000 guests in the audience. six teams compete for the best ski/snowboard film. my team and I were awarded with viewers choice.
travelling with youtube channel global degree, filming 45 countries in 8 months.
island life panama. capturing the unreal experience of being on a tiny island with 200 incredible human beings.
our first time bikepacking. contract work for good friends matt & Jason, which lead to working with the team and building the mahalo my dude brand for the next 2 years.
live broadcast with beacon media. this video made by ryan harris captures one of the many events captured with the beacon cable camera system. events worked included ufc, lollapalooza, voodoo festival, outside lands, lost lake, and more.
best dream ever. which is very fitting for a year of biking & travelling with friends. 
a solo journey through the costa rica jungle.
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